here at RDS.
There is a huge lot with big canopies. Makes for a lovely place to work.
So it's time to paint the coach. An ambitious project but the poor thing is looking ghastly.
The top will be the proper original almond white, which is a perfect match to Land Rover Limestone, the colour of my Rovers wheels and full length hardtop. and the bottom will be British Racing Green to match the Rover.

The first step is to sand the old paint smooth, and remove any loose, or damaged paint.
To get to the roof I built a dedicated scaffold that works a treat.
I was having a difficult time with the window and door frames, they showed some of the worst paint failure with cracking, peeling and pitting.
The problem is I can't sand them because there is a beautiful row of aluminium rivets along every frame. sanding would flatten the rivet heads horribly. So I've had a splendid idea! I'll strip the paint off the frames down to bare aluminium. this way all the paint issues are gone and I think it will look pretty cool too. So I ran down to the hardware store for stripper, It came out of the can creamy and orange like some yummy creamsicle daiquiri!
Look at me being all responsible with gloves and safety glasses. Well one glove anyway on the hidden hand.

The coach really doesn't need much bodywork, the lower valence, known as the banana wrap is pretty dinged up but I'm not going to worry too much about that it can be tidied up later. Above that, there are two gouges on the port side and this old failed dent repair on the starboard aft corner. I dug out all the crappy old filler and sanded it clean then refilled with body filler.

Now, the horrible plastic Argosy embarrassment.
Whoa, OK, maybe that's a bit harsh but there is one feature of this coach I simply can't stand, I never could.

The tail light assembly.
I can Imagine the wise folks at Airstream wanted to make the Argosy distinctive, as if painting it wasn't going to do that. So they made this ugly plastic monster and riveted it to the back of the coach to assure it's everlasting uniqueness.
And if that wasn't enough of an insult, to make the damn thing fit, they hacked two huge clearance holes in the back of the coach.
Well the abomination is gone and I'll find a way to neatly patch the holes.
What about tail lights now? You ask.
Stay tuned,...