As I pulled into the crowded field full of Rovers and tents a great hurrah went up from all my good Uwharrie friends. It was truly moving. In moments I was parked and enjoying the moonshine that is the hallmark of this event, oh and Land Rovers,...
I didn't take many pictures as I was just so glad to be relaxing and enjoying their good company.

Even more amazing was that great numbers of these nutters bought kilts to wear at the event after last years foolishness.
Yes there was off roading too, and perhaps some late night riding on a roof rack but it's the people that I come here for, and will again, and again,....
Sunday came all too soon, and with it the realization that I was heading north again, banished from America.
Thank you to all my Uwharrie friends!!
See you soon!
(all pictures snagged from Facebook, thanks!)
Hi Peter, How are you? i think the rover lander website is broken, i cant send you an email from there and i got an email with nothing in it from you.